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Because Our Family Loves You BSW1050


Because Your Mommy Loves You When a little boy and his mom go camping, mini-disasters abound, and there are lots of opportunities for Mom to step in and fix everything. But instead, with a loving touch, this mommy shows her child ways to do things for himself, going far to encourage her child’s independence. And there is still plenty of opportunity for snuggling under the stars.

Because Your Daddy Loves You A day spent with a young child at the beach is filled with many minor dramas—a lost shoe, a ball that floats too far out into the water, a drippy ice-cream cone. These can be frustrating events for both child and parent, but the daddy in this book finds a way to fix each problem, lovingly and patiently. Why? Because he loves his little girl, of course! This spot-on pairing of words and images is a warm, reassuring, and humorous tribute to dads everywhere.

Because Your Grandparents Love You As every child knows, grandparents are special. Why? Because they love their grandchildren in their own unique way. Although the boy and girl in this story often make mistakes, their grandparents never lose patience, but help their grandchildren and cheer when they get things right.




Book Titles:
Because Your Mommy Loves You 因为妈妈爱你
Because Your Daddy Loves You 因为爸爸爱你
Because Your Grandparents Love You 因为爷爷奶奶爱你

By Andrew Clements, Illustrated by R. W. Alley, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 36 pages/book, 8.25"x 10.75"
Item: Because Our Family Loves You
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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