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The Last Holiday Concert BSY162


For Hart Evans, being the most popular kid in sixth grade has its advantages. Kids look up to him, and all the teachers let him get away with anything -- all the teachers except the chorus director, Mr. Meinert. When Hart's errant rubber band hits Mr. Meinert on the neck during chorus practice, it's the last straw for the chorus director, who's just learned he's about to lose his job due to budget cuts. So he tells the class they can produce the big holiday concert on their own. Or not. It's all up to them. And who gets elected to run the show? The popular Mr. Hart Evans. Hart soon discovers there's a big difference between popularity and leadership, and to his surprise, discovers something else as well -- it's really important to him that this be the best holiday concert ever, and even more important, that it not be the last. Ages 9-12.

校園小說大師--安德魯‧克萊門斯又一力作! 生動的故事情節與豐富的教育意涵: 精采好看之外,並探討了「領導能力」「團隊合作」與「情緒管理」的黃金法則。

鮮明的校園人物+常見的校園情節:一個最受歡迎的學生、一個面臨工作瓶頸的老師,都是校園中活靈活現的人物,讀者可以從故事中看到身邊人物的影子,也看見學校裡可能發生的故事。無論人物或故事都極為貼近學生的校園生活。從學生的角度→看團隊領導人的特質與領導方式: 故事中的哈特從音樂老師手中接下合唱團表演的指揮工作,他從風雲人物變身成團隊的領導人,卻也遭遇到領導人必須面對的人性的各種問題。團隊裡,每個人都想出風頭,每個人都有自己的意見,各種狀況與紛雜的歧異,在在考驗著哈特的領導能力。原來,個性受歡迎不代表就具備了領導的才能,而這場合唱團的混亂課程,正是對哈特領導智慧的最佳考驗。



By Andrew Clements, Illustrated by Mark Elliott, Paperback, Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters, 164 or 224 pages, 8.25"x5.85"
Item: The Last Holiday Concert
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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