Comprehensive Chinese focuses on teaching "authentic spoken Chinese" and forming a strong base for "writing elegant written Chinese". The curriculum is geared towards consolidating basic spoken language and training in the gradual transition to "formal written language". This intermediate set of textbooks place emphasis on "authentic spoken Chinese". The intermediate books strive to exercise speaking skills in grammar, vocabulary and word use, in addition to speech proficiency for communication. Each text is followed with discussion questions, vocabulary, general grammer, important sentence patterns, phrases and words recognition and expansion, as well as multiple exercises. All in simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The Comprehensive Chinese series also includes Advanced Reading, Advanced Chinese and Advanced Writing.
Vol. 1 Content:
Lesson 1: 开学了; Lesson 2: 选中文课; Lesson 3: 在飞机上; Lesson 4: 留学生活开始了; Lesson 5: 地方风味儿; Lesson 6: 饭馆儿里; Lesson 7: 大卫病了; Lesson 8: 死记硬背; Lesson 9: 逛京城; Lesson 10: 打的; Lesson 11: 一站/二看/三通过; Lesson 12: 讨价还价; Lesson 13: 酒馆儿-酒吧; Lesson 14: 皇帝的家; Lesson 15: 泡茶馆儿; Lesson 16: 客套与礼节; Lesson 17: "客气"与"直率"; Lesson 18: 请客送礼; Lesson 19: 结交新朋友; Lesson 20: 闹笑话; Lesson 21: 今非昔比
Vol. 2 Content:
Lesson 22: 多管闲事; Lesson 23: 你好! - 哈罗!; Lesson 24: 会说话; Lesson 25: 老城新貌; Lesson 26: 公园里的京剧; Lesson 27: 城市的文化个性; Lesson 28: 中国与世界; Lesson 29: 中美关系; Lesson 30: 婚姻与家庭; Lesson 31: 汉字与汉语; Lesson 32: 汉字与文化; Lesson 33: 汉字与政治; Lesson 34: 汉语里的外来语; Lesson 35: 口语和书面语; Lesson 36: 歇后语; Lesson 37: 人与动物; Lesson 38: 儒家的信仰; Lesson 39: 庆生梦蝶; Lesson 40: 辩证与逻辑.
Paperback, Simplified & Traditional Chinese characters, English & Pinyin, I: 261 Pages, II: 316 Pages, 8.4" x 11", 1 CD for each book