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Comprehensive Chinese Advanced Reading - On The Present And Past BLO092


Comprehensive Chinese focuses on teaching "authentic spoken Chinese" and forming a strong base for "writing elegant written Chinese".  The curriculum is geared towards consolidating basic spoken language and training in the gradual transition to "formal written language". Emphasis is placed on the in depth explanation of phrases and expressions as well as vocabulary that is used in daily life. The fourth year's teaching materials continue from the third year, strengthening the development of written Chinese skills and training the student to distinguish between formal and informal writing styles. The articles in this set are chosen from Chinese newspapers, magazines and the Internet, including some novels and essays from well-known contemporary Chinese writers. Each text is followed with discussion questions, vocabulary, general grammer, important sentence patterns, phrases and words recognition and expansion, as well as multiple exercises. All in simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The Comprehensive Chinese series also includes Intermediate Chinese, Advanced Chinese and Advanced Writing.

Vol. 1 Content:

Lesson 1: 为什么不能让孩子快乐一点儿?; Lesson 2: 网络民主的局限; Lesson 3: 我的父亲; Lesson 4: 关于"文化沙漠"的讨论, PartA 流动型的香港文化, PartB 试析深圳文化沙漠化的原因; Lesson 5: 两个美国:中国大学生的美国观; Lesson 6: 新片&lt;&lt;机&gt;&gt;引起重大争议; Lesson 7: 寻找民间的记忆; Lesson 8: 传统史学遗产不应轻易抛却; Lesson 9: 结婚进行曲; Lesson 10: 城市文化-在紫藤庐和Starbucks之间; <P>Vol. 2 Content: <P>Lesson 11: 电梯中; Lesson 12: 拒绝泛市场化; Lesson 13: 孔乙己; Lesson 14: 民族主义与中国的未来(节选); Lesson 15: 落泪是金(节选); Lesson 16: 故事新编; Lesson 17: 景物描写散文三篇, 荷塘月色(节选), 长江三峡(节选), 腊梅(节选); Lesson 18: 永不堵车; Lesson 19: 电脑时代的灰色诱惑.</P>&#0;

Paperback, Simplified & Traditional Chinese characters, English & Pinyin, I: 261 Pages, II: 261 Pages, 8.4" x 11.05"
Item: Comprehensive Chinese Advanced Reading - On The Present And Past
Our Price:US$ 35.00
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