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Comprehensive Chinese Advanced Writing-Writing And Truth BLO102


Comprehensive Chinese focuses on teaching "authentic spoken Chinese" and forming a strong base for "writing elegant written Chinese".  The curriculum is geared towards consolidating basic spoken language and training in the gradual transition to "formal written language". Emphasis is placed on the in-depth explanation of phrases and expressions as well as vocabulary that is used in daily life. These teaching materials for the advanced level are meant to strengthen the development of written Chinese skills and to train the student to distinguish between formal and informal writing styles. The articles in this set are chosen from Chinese newspapers, magazines and the Internet, including some novels and essays from well-known contemporary Chinese writers. Each text is followed with discussion questions, vocabulary, general grammer, important sentence patterns, phrases and words recognition and expansion, as well as multiple exercises. All in simplified and traditional Chinese characters. It comes with an audio CD. The Comprehensive Chinese series also includes Intermediate Chinese, Advanced Chinese and Advanced Reading.

Vol. 1 Content:

Lesson 1: 北京人的浮躁; Lesson 2: 小气; Lesson 3: 从西方化和现代化到全球化; Lesson 4: "天堂"? "地狱"?; Lesson 5: 行文借鉴; Lesson 6: 读孟尝君传; Lesson 7: 五代史伶官传序; Lesson 8: 关于绯闻; Lesson 9: 乡党毛/刘/彭; Lesson 10: 吸烟; Lesson 11: 致伯希和; <P>Vol. 2 Content: <P>Lesson 12: 京戏; Lesson 13: 谈友谊; Lesson 14: 旁若无人; Lesson 15: 一语双关; Lesson 16: 汉语的节奏; Lesson 17: "灯下漫笔; Lesson 18: 还要为雍正帝隐恶扬善吗?; Lesson 19: 少年中国说; Lesson 20: 文学改良诌议; Lesson 21: 青年毛泽东与德国文化; Lesson 22: 略论清代儒学的新动向.

By Feng Shengli, Paperback, Simplified & Traditional Chinese Characters, English & Pinyin, I: 261 Pages, II: 340 Pages, 8.4" x 11", 1 CD for each book
Item: Comprehensive Chinese Advanced Writing-Writing And Truth
Our Price:US$ 35.00
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