Set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization, the Trisoarans, on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. The...
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Weijian Shan's Out of the Gobi is a powerful memoir and commentary that will be one of the most important books on China of our time, one with the potential to re-shape how Americans view China, and how the Chinese view life in America. Shan, a...
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This is a book not to be missed if you want to read something warm, genuine and stunning. This is also a book not to be missed, if you are simply intrigued by how top artists survive in a world of mere mortals. Finally, this is a book not to be missed, if you are in...
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Youth chronicles the lives of a group of idealistic young people who join a People's Liberation Army dance troupe at the end of the Cultural Revolution, following their story through China's upheavals of the 1970s until the period of opening in the 1990s;...
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This book contains nine Chinese science fiction writers' short stories, published in the United States well-known science fiction, fantasy magazine Clarksworld. This collection also symbolizes the Sino-foreign science fiction cooperation ice-breaking tour....
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This controversial new novel is a big, spirited comedy of society running amok in modern China - told through the story of two brothers in a brand new capitalist world. Baldy Li is a girl-crazy, teenage ne'er-do-well; his stepbrother is bookish and compassionate....
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Old Tales Retold is a collection of stories by Lu Hsun, prominent writer, thinker, revolutionary, and forerunner of China's Cultural Revolution. It contains eight stories on historical subjects, a period of thirteen years elapsing between his writing of the first...
'Us Three' describes in a simple and clean but profound way, 92 years old Yang Jiang's memories of her daughter, Qian Yuan, whom she lost, and her husband Qian Zhongshu, recollecting those happy and hard times of the family of three, and their days of...
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One of China’s bestselling novels, an unusual literary thriller that takes us deep into the world of code breaking. In his gripping debut novel, Mai Jia reveals the mysterious world of Unit 701, a top-secret Chinese intelligence agency whose sole purpose is...