Designed as a companion to the LangLang Chinese. LangLang Chinese is specifically designed for children who are not native Chinese speakers. It emphasizes listening skills, speaking skills, character recognition and sentence expressions. Developed by Yes!Chinese, LangLang Chinese is a complete Chinese language learning curriculum for young students. The curriculum adheres to both the California World Language Standard (CWLS) and the Hanban Youth Learner Chinese Test (YCT) standard. LangLang Chinese engages students with interactive online animated courses and highly intuitive textbooks. It offers Chinese language learning experiences for both classroom and home environments. Books use simple lessons, songs, crafts and games to make learning Chinese fun.
《识字卡》是配合朗朗中文课程教学,方便学生课内课外使用,快速提高识字辩音能力的配套工具书。《朗朗中文》第1-4册均配有《识字卡》,每册一本,包含了该册的所有生字。每张字卡分正面和反面。正面是生字、拼音、组词、字卡序号;反面是简繁对照、例句、简体描红和笔顺。在每页左侧及字卡之间都有虚线,学生可以在家长或老师的帮助下用剪刀剪开,灵活使用。 请参阅朗朗中文的特色简介。
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, 80-136 cards/book, 10.25"x8.25"