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New Concept Chinese Vol. 9 BLH018


The New Concept Textbook is a Chinese language textbook that has many unique characteristics specifically and locally tailored for students from youth to teenage years. This book is completed based on the advice and approval of Chinese language specialists in addition to New Concept’s many years of overseas Chinese educational experience. After eight years of preparation for publication, this book has been tailored to students through New Concept’s research of the Chinese American lifestyle, culture, and educational environment. In doing this, the book meets the specific needs of Chinese American students and children whose families are not native to the Chinese language.The following describes the unique characteristics and features of the New Concept Textbook.

《新意中文》是一套专门为海外学生编写的“海外本土化教材”,适合四岁儿童到高中生使用。全套教材共24册,课程设置为十年,总课时为600小时。 ★由美、中两国中文教育专家共同研发,集十五年全职海外中文教学经验编写而成; ★教材包含文学、地理、历史、哲学等丰富的中国文化知识,学完全部课程,学生可掌握2500各汉字,并通过AP中文考试; ★每册教材包括:课本1本,作业练习2本,学生用生字卡片1套(1~9册),教师用大字卡1套(1~9册),教材配套CD1张。请参阅新意中文教学法要点

Paperback, Simplified characters, 8.25'' x 11.25'', Textbook: 111 Pages, Workbook: 36 pages, Word Card, Audio CD
Item: New Concept Chinese Vol. 9
Our Price:US$ 39.95
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