George is alone in the house with Grandma. The most horrid, grizzly old grunion of a grandma ever. She needs something stronger than her usual medicine to cure her chronic grouchiness. A special grandma medicine, a remedy for everything. And George knows just what to put into it. Grandma's in for the surprise of her life and so is George, when he sees the results of his mixture!
小乔治的神奇魔药 这本书由两篇故事组成:《小乔治的神奇魔药》和《蠢特夫妇》。 小乔治有一个十分讨厌的姥姥,不但脾气十分暴烈,而且总是变了法儿地折磨小孩。于是小乔治把家里所有有毒的物品和在一起,配制出一种神奇的魔药,好好地整治了姥姥。 《蠢特夫妇》讲一对非常讨厌的夫妇,他俩一方面相互间勾心斗角,一方面无情地欺负小动物和小孩子,终于惹恼了一群小猴子。猴子们设计了一个计策,最终惩治了这对坏家伙。
By Roald Dahl, Paperback or Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters with Zhuyin, 120-175 pages, 7.8"8.5" x 5.75"-6"