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It's a Busload of Pigeon Books! (6 Books) BSW975


It's a busload of the Pigeon books! Climb on board for six picture books starring the famous beleaguered bird-by New York Times best-selling author/illustrator Mo Willems. Please click here for a detailed description of each book.

小孩子都是以自我为中心,还不太理解要求和规范的含义。当协商没有效果、讲道理不听的时候,爸爸妈妈不妨请出跟孩子相通的小鸽子。小鸽子让孩子换个方式看自己。在这套书里,孩子需要与鸽子对话,想办法拒绝鸽子的不合理要求,并坚持到*后。在对小鸽子说“不”的过程中,孩子能像照镜子似的看到自己撒娇耍赖的模样,从被管到管人的角色转换,让孩子懂得为什么不合理的要求会被拒绝,而合理的要求应该用礼貌的方式提出。小鸽子启发家长换种方式与不讲道理的孩子沟通。家长能通过淘气的小鸽子理解孩子渴望的心情,从而发现,不必批评和责骂,耐心、平和的沟通就能让孩子恢复平静,遵守规矩。 请点击查看分册介绍.

Book Titles:
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus 别让鸽子开巴士
Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog 鸽子捡到一个热狗
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late 别让鸽子太晚睡
The Pigeon Wants a Puppy!鸽子想要小狗狗!
The Pigeon Needs a Bath 鸽子需要洗个澡!
The Duckling Gets a Cookie鸭子弄到一块饼干!?

By Mo Willems, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 32 pages/book, 9"x9"
Item: It's a Busload of Pigeon Books! (6 Books)
Our Price:US$ 85.95
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