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Sebastian and the Balloon BSW917


On a boring day, on a dull street, Sebastian sat high atop his roof―something he was never supposed to do. When he launched himself into the air in his balloon made of Grandma's afghans and patchwork quilts, his journey took on a life of its own and his boring day turned into the adventure of a lifetime.

小杉真的这么做了。  他收拾了他需要的每样东西,坐上用奶奶的羊皮大衣和拼布棉被做成的热气球。  画好路线图,检查了风向,然后切断绳子……热气球飞起来了。  一路上,小杉遇见了真的熊、一只非常高的鸟,和三位不平凡的女士……  在这趟冒险旅程中,小杉还会遇到哪些事情呢?  跟着美国凯迪克大奖得主菲立普.史戴从单调无趣的生活飞出去,  陪孩子经历一趟探索世界与自我的冒险旅程。

By Philip C. Stead, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin, 37 Pages, 11.25''x 9.2''
Item: Sebastian and the Balloon
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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