Set in picturesque Paris, this tale of a brave little girl's trip to the hospital is as appealing today as it was in 1940. The combination of spirited heroine, timelessly appealing art, cheerful humor, and rhythmic text makes "Madeline" a perennial favorite with children of all ages. English translations are included at the end of books.
Book Titles:
Madeline 玛德琳
Madeline's Rescue玛德琳的狗狗救星
Madeline and the Bad Hat 玛德琳和西班牙坏小子
Madeline in London玛德琳的伦敦奇遇
Madeline and the Gypsies玛德琳的马戏团历险
Madeline's Christmas 玛德琳的魔法圣诞夜
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 56 pages/book, 11.5"x8.25"