The book is divided into three chapters: Chapter 1 briefly introduces the Chinese as a second language (0523) course to help students know about the exam requirements for the new 2018 syllabus which has the first exam in 2020. This chapter also includes the basic text formats, language points, conjunction words and question words to help students well prepare for their writing and speaking exams. Chapter 2 aims to improve writing skills on short essays with instruction bullet points and long argumentative essays based on the four themes. Apart from the model well-written essays, the book also includes suggestions on how to respond to the questions. The purpose is to let students know what kind of essays can meet the writing requirements of the course syllabus. Chapter 3 focuses on the oral exam. This chapter is also based on the four themes specified in the course outline. For students to have a clearer understanding of the oral exam mode, the book gives a full transcript sample of the oral exam including part 1 “presentation”, part 2 “follow-up questions and answers” and part 3 “general questions and answers”.
本書是首本針對劍橋大學國際考試中文第二語言(IGCSE 0523)的寫作與口語訓練用書,根據IGCSE 0523新大綱(2020年首次考試)考試要求編寫,四大主題全面覆蓋。 “訓前准備”提供常用的文體格式、語言點、關聯詞、疑問表達,旨在幫助學生打好語言基礎。 “寫作訓練”提供模擬練習、答題技巧和高分範文,另設有練習題庫、主題高頻詞,更有針對性地分析寫作中的典型錯誤,旨在幫助學生有效地提高寫作能力。 “口語訓練”提供個人口述文本範例、追加問題、一般對話問答練習,旨在幫助學生有效地提高口語水平。请点击查看目录介绍。
By Vivienne Fung, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 240 pages, 9.5"X6.75"