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New Concept Chinese Vol. 10 BLE042


The New Concept Textbook is a Chinese language textbook that has many unique characteristics specifically and locally tailored for students from youth to teenage years. This book is completed based on the advice and approval of Chinese language specialists in addition to New Concept’s many years of overseas Chinese educational experience. After eight years of preparation for publication, this book has been tailored to students through New Concept’s research of the Chinese American lifestyle, culture, and educational environment. In doing this, the book meets the specific needs of Chinese American students and children whose families are not native to the Chinese language.The following describes the unique characteristics and features of the New Concept Textbook.

本册是《新意中文》第10册。本册包括课本1本、作业练习2册、生字卡片1套、考试卷1套和录音CD 1盘。课本每课包括课文、认读字词、汉字字形比较和阅读部分。阅读部分包括两首谜语和一则故事,生动有趣,提高学生的汉语阅读能力。另外从本册起每课的中文基本知识训练开始讲授常用标点符号和中文字典的检字法。作业练习分上、下两册,以连字、组词、造句等多种形式展开练习,并且并增加了部分汉字描写练习,锻炼孩子的汉字书写能力。随书赠送录音CD1盘,录有课本和作业练习中的部分内容。学完本册后,学生学会生字178个、词语299个,能熟练地自己阅读400字短文。请参阅新意中文教学法要点

Paperback, Simplified characters, 8.25'' x 11.25'', Textbook: 115 Pages, Workbooks: 31 pages each, Word Card, 1 Audio CD
Item: New Concept Chinese Vol. 10
Our Price:US$ 39.95
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