This series features 10 categories of natural and human encyclopedia information. Each book can effectively help young children from 3 to 6 years old build awareness of the world around them. The graphically rich youth encyclopedias provide a great jump start for children to gain initial knowledge about various subject matters, which is independent of whether or not they are used for research or general reading. Use these encyclopedias to help develop young childrens’ interest in various natural and social science subjects including work and Chinese traditional customs, plants and animals, water and plant, and more. Ages 3-6.
《中国幼儿百科全书》是专为3-6岁儿童打造的中国第一套原创彩图版百科全书,是一套能看、能听、能说、能画、能玩的童书,是一套幼儿和家长共读互动且可以反复阅读的童书。该书延续《中国儿童百科全书》的编撰理念——中国特色的原创的图书知识与儿童本位的编辑方针,全书从儿童的阅读特点和兴趣出发,采用开放式框架,大场面图设计,从幼儿身边的生活入手,帮助引导幼儿快乐地积累关键经验,促进幼儿动脑和思维的发展。第一辑推出10册,分别为《我的身体》《吃的快乐》《我的家》《动物伙伴》《奇妙的植物》《我的压岁钱》》《不一样的工作》《便利的交通》《房子的故事》《水从哪里来》。 请参阅本套书的中文简介
Book titles:
Wonderful Plant 奇妙的植物
My Body 我的身体
Animal Companion 动物伙伴
Different Work 不一样的工作
Convenient Transportation 便利的交通
The Story of the House 房子的故事
The Joy of Eating 吃的快乐
Where Does Water Come From 水从哪里来
My New Year's Lucky Money 我的压岁钱
My Home 我的家
Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 29 pages/book, 11.25"x9.6"