Let's-Read-and-Find-Out supports the Common Core Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.
- Entertain and educate at the same time
- Have appealing, child-centered topics
- Developmentally appropriate for emerging readers
- Focused; answering questions instead of using survey approach
- Employ engaging picture book quality illustrations
- Use simple charts and graphics to improve visual literacy skills
- Feature hands-on activities to engage young scientists
- Meet national science education standards
- Written/illustrated by award-winning authors/illustrators & vetted by an expert in the field
- Over 130 titles in print, meeting a wide range of kids' scientific interests
Let’s Read and Find Out 系列在美国畅销五十余年,几乎没有哪个孩子的童年能绕过这套经典科学图画书。许多孩子正是因为这套书爱上了科学,纵观扎克伯格、马斯克等科技精英,从小就培养了良好的阅读习惯,正是“自然科学启蒙”这样的经典图画书,让科学的种子在他们心里慢慢萌芽,成就了日后他们用科技改变世界的伟大梦想。
《自然科学启蒙》系列绘本由美国海登天文馆馆长弗兰克林•M. 布兰利博士及知名幼教专家罗马•冈斯主编,联合数十位插画家历时多年创作而成,已有五十余年出版历史,盛誉全球。
该系列已经出版十四辑(83 册),最新出版的本系列《自然科学启蒙•拓新版》共17册,通过生动形象的图画和浅显易懂的语言,循序渐进地介绍了基础的自然科学概念,满足孩子对科学世界的好奇心。全书为小读者介绍了丰富的科学知识,包括太阳能、海洋与海洋生物、计算机、电话、飓风、洪水与安全防范、化石、恐龙、暴风雪、热带雨林、有袋类动物、植物生长、城市运转等。
Book Titles:
What's for Lunch? 午餐吃什么(人体健康)
From Seed to Pumpkin 从小种子到大南瓜(植物)
Super Marsupials: Kangaroos, Koalas, Wombats, and More 有袋类动物(动物)
Running on Sunshine 奇妙的太阳能(新能源)
How Deep is the Ocean? 海洋有多深(地理)
How to Talk to Your Computer 如何与你的计算机交谈(信息技术)
Hurrican Watch 飓风监测(气象)
Floor Warning 洪水来了(气象)
Where Did Dinosaurs Come From? 恐龙是怎么出现的(古生物)
Fossils Tell of Long Age 会讲故事的化石(古生物)
Phones Keep Us Connected 电话让我们保持联系 (信息技术)
In the Rainforest 热带雨林之旅(生态)
Droughts 干旱(气象)
What Makes a Blizzard? 暴风雪是怎么形成的(气象)
Pinocchio Rex and Other Tyrannosaurs 皮诺曹暴龙和暴龙家族(古生物)
Sharks Have Six Senses 鲨鱼的六种感觉(动物)
How a City Works 城市如何运转
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 32-35 pages/book, 8"x10"