Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Book Series teach advanced science concepts in a way children can easily understand. The concepts aren't easy, and children will need to talk about them a lot. It helps that the author keeps coming back to ideas in different ways and that the illustrator's clear, cheerful line-and-color illustrations invite attention and help sort things out. Many of the books contain simple activities for children to do, and they do not require special materials. If you have a child who is very science orientated, we would highly recommend this series to read just for fun. We would also recommend the series as a complement to any curriculum. Please view more details on each title in English
《自然科学启蒙》系列绘本由美国海登天文馆馆长弗兰克林· M . 布兰利博士及知名幼教专家罗马· 冈斯主编,联合数十位插画家历时多年创作而成,已有五十余年出版历史,盛誉全球。本系列共14辑(83册),通过生动形象的图画和浅显易懂的语言,循序渐进地介绍了基础的自然科学概念,满足孩子对科学世界的好奇心。1~4辑介绍了较为常见和容易理解的自然科学概念,适合3~6岁的孩子阅读。5~14辑进一步探讨了难度较高的自然科学概念,并加入了需要动手、动脑的延伸阅读内容,适合5~9岁的孩子阅读。详细内容请参阅每本书的中文简介
Book Titles:
What Is the World Made of 认识固体、液体和气体(物理)
Be a Friend to Trees 和树做朋友(植物)
Honey in a Hive 蜂巢探“蜜”(动物)
Dolphin Can Talk 会“说话”的海豚(动物)
You're Aboard Spaceship Earth 我们赖以生存的地球(地理)
Hear Your Heart 听听你的心跳(人体)
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 32 pages/book, 8"x10"