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A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet) BSY708


Madeline L'Engle's classic sci-fi / fantasy series is being offered as a Quintet (Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters, and An Acceptable Time) in a beautifully designed box set featuring art by Taeeun Yoo.
A Wrinkle in Time―One of the most significant novels of our time. This fabulous, ground-breaking science-fiction and fantasy story is the first of five in the Time Quintet series about the Murry family. A Wrinkle in Time is soon to be a major motion picture from Disney, directed by Ava DuVernay, starring Storm Reid, Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling.
A Wind in the Door―When Charles Wallace falls ill, Meg, Calvin, and their teacher, Mr. Jenkins, must travel inside C.W. to make him well, and save the universe from the evil Echthros.
A Swiftly Tilting Planet―The Murry and O'Keefe families enlist the help of the unicorn, Gaudior, to save the world from imminent nuclear war.
Many Waters―Meg Murry, now in college, time travels with her twin brothers, Sandy and Dennys, to a desert oasis that is embroiled in war.
An Acceptable Time―While spending time with her grandparents, Alex and Kate Murry, Polly O'Keefe wanders into a time 3,000 years before her own.


《梅格时空大冒险1:时间的折皱》 1963年纽伯瑞金奖作品
《梅格时空大冒险3:逆转的地球  1978年美国国家图书奖作品 莫瑞先生突然接到美国总统的电话,总统请他想办法在24小时内避免一场核战争。15岁的查尔斯通过召唤独角兽高迪尔了解到:他必须通过穿越时间才能阻止核战争的发生,通过心灵感应,融入生活在观星岩附近的古老人群之中,阻止核战毁灭世界。梅格与他以“心语”并肩战斗……
《梅格时空大冒险4:末日的洪水 梅格的双胞胎弟弟,丹尼斯和桑迪,不小心碰了实验中的爸爸的电脑。瞬间,两人进入了又干又热的大沙漠,原来这是诺亚方舟时代。他们在独角兽的陪伴下,遇见了许多传说中的人物,经历了难以想象的奇妙旅程……
《梅格时空大冒险5:重叠的时空 梅格已经长大成家,她的大女儿波莉和朋友扎克利偶然间竟然看到了风之子——三千年前住在此处的人。两人被带进了风之子所处的时间之内。而风之子所处的地方正经历一场前所未有的干旱,他们中既有人把波莉当做朋友,也有人想把波莉当祭品献给大地母亲以此祈雨,波莉该如何回家? 

Book Titles

A Wrinkle in Time 时间的折皱
A Wind in the Door 银河的裂缝
A Swiftly Tilting Planet 逆转的地球
Many Waters 末日的洪水
An Acceptable Time 重叠的时空

By Madeleine L'Engle, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 184 pages, 8.25"x5.5"
Item: A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet)
Starts At:US$ 15.95
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