Lemony Snicket’s unhappy tale of the unlucky Baudelaire siblings begins with The Bad Beginning. In this short bothersome book alone, the three orphans encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast. Please click here for Individual book descriptions
“波特莱尔大冒险”系列首作《悲惨的开始》,讲述孤儿三姐弟的冒险故事,一炮而红,成为美国首位将“哈利·波特”系列挤下《纽约时报》畅销书榜首的作家。 “波特莱尔大冒险”刻意营造神秘氛围,书中字汇丰富,充满揶揄、嘲讽意味,和一般儿童文学大不相同。你如果喜欢冒险故事,千万不可错过这一系列! 请点击查看分册介绍.
Book Titles:
1 The Bad Beginning 悲惨的开始
2 The Reptile Room 可怕的爬虫屋
3 The Wide Window 鬼魅的大窗子
4 The Miserable Mill 糟糕的工厂
5 The Austere Academy 严酷的学校
6 The Ersatz Elevator 破烂的电梯
7 The Vile Village VFD 村的秘密
8 The Hostile Hospital 真假医生
9 The Carnivorous Carnival 狮口脱险
10 The Slippery Slope 初探总部
11 The Grim Grotto 深海奇遇
12 The Penultimate Peril 倒数第二次危机
13 The End 大结局
By Lemony Snicket, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 123-221 pages/book, 8.25"x5.75"