Written especially for a young audience, a must-read biography of Steve Jobs: visionary, entrepreneur, inventor, and cofounder of Apple. Steve Jobs is not a man who lends himself to easy adulation, and one does not envy Patricia Lakin the task of presenting her condensed biography of his life, Steve Jobs: Thinking Differently, to middle-grade readers. As a child, Jobs swaps all his classmates bike locks, causing a mass panic. In middle school, he calls up Bill Hewlett, of Hewlett-Packard, at home to ask for some parts for a project he is working on (Bill says yes, and offers him a summer job). By his late teens, he and Steve Wosniak are using audio frequencies to manipulate telecommunications systems...
By Patricia Lakin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 208 pages, 5.75"x7.8"