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The Black Pearl BSY105


Ramon wants to prove to his father, Blas Salazar, that he is just as good as Sevillano, Ramon's worst enemy and Ramon's father's best pearl diver, at pearl diving. Manta Diablo, the monster of the deep, guards "The Pearl of the Heavens," the ocean's biggest pearl, that Ramon wants to dive for. Ramon got "The Pearl of the Heavens" and brought back home. When Ramon tells his father about the pearl, his father gives it to the church. Luzum, an old Indian tells Ramon that he should give it back to the Manta Diablo because the monster will come after him.


By Scott O'Dell, Paperback, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters, 123-157 Pages, 7.75"x5.8" or 8.25"x5.9"
Item: The Black Pearl
Our Price:US$ 12.95
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