This wordless picture book captures the beauty and wonder of a brother and sister's joyous experiences in the rain. Come along as they explore their neighborhood, splash through puddles, see where the animals hide, and make footprints in the mud. From the first small drops of rain to the clear blue sky of a bright new morning, Peter Spier's Rain will delight parents and children again and again.
在绵密的雨中,一对小姐弟相偕探索住家附近的社区、林野、公园和街道。他们走过水洼,脚下溅起了朵朵水花;他们在大大小小的角落,发现躲雨的昆虫;他们返回温暖的房屋,在干爽的房间透过窗户看雨景…… 从第一滴雨水落下,到隔日的晴朗清晨,作者彼得•史比尔藉由分格或大垮页画面,细腻流畅地描绘出雨中即景和雨天情味,隐隐透着温馨家居生活的诗意气氛,又通过孩子的视角,呈现他们眼中快乐的雨天小世界。
By Peter Spier, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters, 39 Pages, 10.2"x10"