Equality starts early, and it begins at home.
For Girls As soon as girls are big enough to flip through a board book, they can understand the concept that girls are equal to boys. This book underscores that important idea with clear, simple illustrations and clever rhyming text. From encouraging girls to use their voice and to support other girls to showing them that beauty is on the inside to reminding them that no woman is free until all women are free, there are big lessons here, in a small and appealing package.
For Boys Humorous, familiar scenarios are treated as teachable moments for very young boys (ages 0-3) who will ideally grow up without ever questioning women's equality. From "no means no," to "women's rights are human rights," important, grownup ideas are made clear and fun for young, impressionable minds. This is the book every mom should read to her son!
《女生版 》你可以當老闆或當總統,沒有工作女生不能做!記住歷史上那些勇敢的榜樣。她們曾經努力的奮鬥。要謝謝你的媽媽、奶奶和外婆,以及所有打破性別限制的女生,有他們,女生才能突破再突破。
《男生版 》你可以玩扮家家酒或摔角,也可以畫畫、玩玩具。世上所有的遊戲,男生、女生都可以參與!對女生,我們要學會友善、平等和尊重,因為有她們和男生合作,才能撐起這片美麗的天空。
Book Titles:
For Girls 女生版
For Boys 男生版
By Julie Merberg, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin, 20 pages/books, 7"x7"