The Chinese Folktales Story Books contain eleven books in the entire collection. This series introduces the most popular folktales in China. These stories have been passed on for generations and highlight major Chinese cultural values. Inside, the illustrations capture the traditional paintings in China, helping the reader to be temporarily immersed in the Chinese culture. These books serve as a great way to learn the Chinese language, practice one's own reading comprehension, and expand their knowledge on Chinese tales. Written in simplified Chinese text, Zhuyin, and Pinyin.
本系列介绍中国最流行的民间故事。配以传统的绘画插图与简单的文字和拼音。这些民间传说故事书有助于青年读者了解中华文化和汉语 请参阅每本书的中文简介。
Book Titles:
01 Dragon Lantern《龙灯》
02 Sky Lantern- Lantern Festival«天燈照平安-元宵節»
03 Lantern Girl-Lantern Festival «元宵姑娘-元宵節»
05 Cold Food and Qingming Festival «寒食與清明-清明節»
06 Wandering Poet - Dragon Boat Festival «流浪詩人--端午節»
07 Legend of White Snake - Dragon Boat Festival «白蛇傳奇--端午節»
08 Zhong Kui Catches the Ghost-Ghost Festival «鍾馗捉鬼-盂蘭節»
11 Clever Girl's Go-between-Qixi Festival «巧姑娘的鵲橋-七夕»
12 QiangGu in Town 小镇的抢孤手
14 The Melody of Rainbow Dress and Feather Garments-Mid-Autumn Festival «霓裳羽衣曲-中秋節»
16 Moon Cake Secret-Mid-Autumn Festival «月餅裡的秘密-中秋節»
20 Kitchen God 《灶王爷》
21 The Mouse Daughter - New Year's Eve «老鼠的女兒-春節»
23 The Story of Door God- Dragon Boat Festival «將軍站門-端午節»
25 Mouse Get Married 《老鼠娶新娘》
Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters with Zhuyin, 38 pages/book, 10.25"x7.5"