The book has rhythmic language, suitable for babies to imitate and helping them learn simple repetition and rhythm. There is a lot of onomatopoeia which your baby can do, and this can develop your baby's sense of tone. Featuring simple and fresh pictures, in line with the aesthetic taste of baby animals and characters, the illustrations are expressive and vivid, contagious; with bright colors and soft non-glare. It is certainly a happy reading experience because of the games and the reading, which are important ways to help your baby grow!
熟悉的场景,让宝宝容易产生共鸣 吃饭散步躲猫猫,小猫小狗小黄鸭,宝宝常遇到的情景和动物小伙伴都在这里。宝宝在爸爸妈妈怀里读这套书时,应该会急着想跟书里的朋友们聊天吧!
简单生动的故事,调动宝宝的好奇心和探索欲 故事情节轻快铺陈又有小高潮,在阅读的过程中,宝宝很快能自己预测下一页的内容。不过,结果又会出乎意料呢,给宝宝一个惊喜。
富有节奏感的语言,适合宝宝模仿学习 语言简单重复又有节奏感,有许多宝宝熟悉的拟声词,能培养宝宝的音感,传递给宝宝语言的趣味性,提高宝宝的语言能力。
简洁清新的画面,符合宝宝的审美趣味 书中的动物和人物形像简单又传神,表情丰富生动,富有感染力;色彩明快又柔和不刺眼,传递给宝宝美的感受。
快乐阅读,快乐游戏 通过欢乐有趣的亲子阅读,爸爸妈妈和宝宝联结更加紧密;书中的小悬念,更是把阅读变成了一场快乐的亲子游戏。游戏和阅读,正是宝宝成长的重要途径!详情请参阅每本书的中文简介
Book Titles:
Eat It! 吃饭啦!
Hey. I'm Here! 嘿!
Seize the Tail 紧紧抓住尾巴
It Laughs, Laughs 笑着呢,笑着呢
Welcome 欢迎光临
Walking Myself! 散步喽!
By Iwao Fukuda, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Character, 32 pages/book, 6.6"x6.25"