Reading Express Series helps young children to enhance their reading interest and ability. The series is designed in six reading level sets, it based on young children's different reading levels, from easy to difficult. Young children will select their own reading levels to read. The "Reading and Understanding" and "Creative Thinking " parts in each book helps young childrene to have creative reading, They will enjoy the pleasure of reading as soon as they catch this "Reaing Express". Get our Fifth Stop, Fourth Stop, Third Stop , Second Stop and First Stop, too.
阅读教学是语文教育中重要的一环,重点在于培养学生具有感受、理解、欣赏和评价的能力。"阅读快车"针对学生不同的读书程度,设计六个级别,由浅入深,让学生容易找到适合自己程度的书来阅读,提升其阅读兴趣,切合学生需要。每篇文章后面的"阅读和理解"、 "创意思考"等练习环节,帮助学生有创意的阅读,加深理解,启迪思考,受到情感熏陶,丰富生活的体验。家长和教师在指导儿童使用本系列时,请多给鼓励和赞语,和他们一起朗读,讨论,背诵诗歌和短文,欣赏中国文学的内在美,在潜移默化中提高儿童的人文主素养。相信孩子们搭上这列"阅读列车",就可以尽快学会阅读,享受到阅读的快乐。
Book Titles:
Twelve-year-old Prime Minister 十二岁的丞相
True and False Officer 真假军官
Three Person With Same Surname 三个同姓的人
Boy In the Store 士多店的男孩
Confused Female Spy 糊塗女間諜
Result Announcement Day 放榜的日子
Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters, 111 pages/book, 8.25"x5.5"