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Chinese Ethnic Festivals and Customs Stories BSF133


China's most prominent artists and writers of children's literature come together to create this original children's picture book series. Information covered includes sources of festivals, fun holiday stories, holiday style, and more. Each book is emotional, wise, and rooted deep in traditional Chinese culture, allowing readers to get a feel for the spirit of the Chinese nation while also providing inspiration and insights.


Book Titles:
Cattle Kings Day 布依族神牛牵出牛王节
Dragon Boat Festival 汉族龙舟竞渡端午节
Peacock Village Festival 傣族孔雀之乡的泼水节
June 6 Sun Festival 土家族晒龙袍的六月六
March 3 Singing Manwu Festival 黎族欢歌曼舞三月三
Erhai Lake Bai Street Festival 白族苍山洱海三月街
Grain Offerings Festival 朝鲜族乌鸦唤来五谷祭
April 8 Thousand Flowers Festival 苗族万朵花开四月八
Manchu Flowers Festival 满族年息花魂与五月节
Tibetan Bathing Festival 藏族神圣吉祥的沐浴节

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 40 pages/book, 7.9"x8.25"
Item: Chinese Ethnic Festivals and Customs Stories
Our Price:US$ 9.95
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