Filled with bold illustrations and wry humor, this twist on the ugly duckling tale places a chicken in the lead role. The chicken has no feathers and he longs to play with the other beautiful chickens in the yard, but they turn him down, ridiculing him for his bare skin. When he discovers a creative camouflage for his paltry plumage, however, the other chickens allow him to join them on a boat ride, never expecting that a surprising accident will change the way they see themselves and the (formerly) featherless chicken.
陳致元新作沒毛雞,詼諧逗趣、生動亮麗, 在說故事活動中,獲得現場小朋友熱烈反應。 這本貼近童心的圖畫書,適合幼兒和父母歡樂共讀。
By Chih Yuan Chen, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters or Traditional Chinese Characters, 32 pages, 12“x8.5", 1CD