Peanuts is a collection of 4 short stories written by some of the most famous authors, Xu Dishan, Lu Xun, Lin Hai Yin, and Qi Jun
Autumn Night by Lu Xun- This story is about nature and landscape and flowers in the night sky.
Peanuts by Xu Dishan - One of the most famous stories over the last century, this story is about a little boy and peanuts
Tofu White World bu Lin Haiyin- This story is about a tofu deliver person.
Osmanthus Rain by Qi Jun- The author reminisces about the scent of the Osmanthus flower.
白話文學最具代表的名家名作在這個聲光雜亂的時代 為孩子獻上一個沉穩、溫和的世界
Bu Xu Dishan, Lu Xun, Lin Haiyin and Qi Jun, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters, 32 pages, 10.1"x10.5"