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The Usborne Story and Drawing Books BLR015


Aspiring young writers will love this fun activity book full of hints, tips and handy tasks for writing breath-taking stories. The first half of Write Your Own Story Book is full of writing tips, techniques and methods to make every story a masterpiece, with helpful activities on coming up with ideas, writing from different points of view and creating characters, settings and story lines. The second half of the book is full of story themes to write about, from murder mysteries to tales from outer space. With lots of lined space to fill, each activity comes with suggestions for characters, settings and objects to write into the story as well as questions to prompt the imagination.

From rockets to robots, monkeys to monsters and lots more, find out how to draw everything you've ever wanted to by following the simple step-by-step instructions in this inspirational draw-in book. An easy-to-follow, Step-By-Step Drawing Book helps children master the simple drawing skills required to render a range of animals, people and objects. It comes with plenty of space for doing their own drawings.

英國童書權威出版社USBORNE. 專為孩子们量身訂做的五感教育系列《我的趣味寫作本:引導孩子的作文力!》+《我的創意畫畫本:啟發孩子的繪畫力!》由簡易到進階,開啟孩子的右腦天賦!內容活潑、平易,不刻板,讓小讀者看了躍躍欲試,有自信自己也能寫出好故事!畫風平易可愛,沒有距離感,讓小讀者看了躍躍欲試,有自信自己也能畫得來!市面上,寫作與畫畫教學書種類繁多,卻多為制式教科書或單行本。轉轉右腦系列從簡入繁,循序漸進,有趣、生動的描述與呈現,親子共讀,增進親子間的感情,孩子自讀也有許多閱讀樂趣。《我的趣味寫作本:引導孩子的作文力!》結合寫作教學與創作學習本,邊看邊學樂趣多,搭車、出遊時可讓孩子打發時間。引導孩子的作文力,最重要的是「畫面」,給孩子天馬行空的思維空間。本書運用這項概念,從故事發想到架構成形、從架構成形到開啟孩子的創作天賦,循序漸進引導孩子寫出自己的趣味故事書。《我的創意畫畫本:啟發孩子的繪畫力!》結合繪畫教學與塗鴉本,邊看邊畫樂趣多,搭車、出遊時可讓孩子打發時間。啟發孩子的想像力,最重要的是「留白」,給孩子盡情揮灑的空間。本書運用這項概念,從創意到學習、從學習到開啟孩子的天賦,循序漸進引導孩子畫出自己的創意小宇宙。

Book Tittle:
Write Your Own Story Book 引導孩子的作文力
Step-By-Step Drawing Book 啟發孩子的繪畫力

By Louie Stowell and Fiona Watt, Paperback, Traditional Chinese Character, 95 pages/book, 9.4"x7.5"
Item: The Usborne Story and Drawing Books
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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