Learning Chinese Characters with Drawings was jointly compiled by Professor of Educational Psychology Hsueh-Chih Chen and Professor of Chinese Language Teaching Zhen-Xing Lin. Professor Chen holds the post of Director to the Center of Learning Technology for Chinese (CLTC), as well as Chairman to the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University. Professor Lin holds the post of Chairman to the Department of Applied Chinese Language and Culture, National Taiwan Normal University. This joint work was compiled in order to assist Chinese language learners in character recognition and Chinese character writing. The book features the new revolutionary "Key-image Pictures" learning strategy, which is unique in that one and the same picture helps students to memorize both the character shape and its meaning, and unlike traditional Chinese learning textbooks, its efficiency has been proved by research. We believe that looking through "Learning Chinese Characters with Drawings", learners will be fascinated by interesting and full of humor pictures, as well as creative explanations, that will surely leave a long lasting impression. Therefore, we believe learners of Chinese language will find this textbook not only interesting and engaging, but also highly effective.
本書由國立臺灣師範大學陳學志及林振興兩位教授共同編著,針對常用部首及漢字,基於認知學習原理,獨創了一套結合關鍵字記憶法及圖像聯想的「漢字鍵接圖像(Chinese Character Key-image Pictures)」而編寫出此套漢字教材,以協助學習者克服漢字記憶和書寫困難,奠定日後大量學習漢字的基礎。
‧何謂「漢字鍵接圖像(Chinese Character Key-image Pictures)」
「漢字鍵接圖像(Chinese Character Key-image Pictures)」是介於漢字形和字義之間的一種圖像,讓學習者一看到圖像就能和漢字產生連結,幫助學習者快速記憶漢字。
當學習者見到漢字鍵接圖像時,就如同關鍵字記憶法一般,可同時聯想到漢字的字形以及字義。這套「漢字鍵接圖像(Chinese Character Key-image Pictures)」已經獲得實驗支持,對於漢字初學者維持記憶的效果及學習興趣的提升,都優於傳統反覆記憶的學習方法。
By Hsueh-Chih Chen and Zhen-Xing Lin, Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters, 131 Pages/book, 10.2"x7.5"