Children will enjoy learning about 300 Chinese characters with pictographic images of each character and stories behind it. Six volumes start with pictographic characters that are related to nature and humanity, then move on to the characters that show meanings of nature and humanity. Last two volumes introduce the characters that you can recognize from radicals or structure and from sounds.
“汉字树”阶梯识字图画书是在《说文解字》《右文说》等古典汉字学的基础上,结合近现代汉字学研究成果,根据汉字的造字思维图式与人类童年的认知思维图式相一致的特点,专门为小朋友编写的。包括《简笔画般的象形字(自然篇)》《简笔画般的象形字(人文篇)》《一想就明白的会意字(自然篇)》《一想就明白的会意字(人文篇)》《看起来很像的汉字》《听起来很像的汉字》6个分册,共收录儿童在生活中常见的约300个汉字。通过这套书,小朋友可以: 读儿歌,学汉字;看图画,学汉字;讲故事,学汉字;左右脑,学汉字;做游戏,学汉字。
Book Titles:
Hieroglyphic-Nature 简笔画般的象形字(自然篇)
Hieroglyphic-Culture 简笔画般的象形字(人文篇)
Ideogram-Nature 一想就明白的会意字(自然篇)
Ideogram-Culture 一想就明白的会意字(人文篇)
Characters That Look Similar 看起来很像的汉字
Characters That Sound Similar 听起来很像的汉字
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 50 Pages/book, 9.5"x8.25"