Experiencing Chinese Characters is presented with two volumes, for beginners and for advanced learners. Experiencing Chinese Characters (For Beginners) is designed for beginning learners outside the circle of Chinese culture and can be used for 30-45 hours teaching. Following the concept of learning through experience, the textbook is designed to be learners-centered, namely, exploring the motive of learners. Through the modules, the textbook is intended to encourage learners to experience what they learn, practice writing and using strokes, characters, phrases and sentences, and acquire characters in the completion of tasks and exercises.
Through this textbook, learners will acquire strokes and components of Chinese strokes, learn to write 386 common characters, and get to know about 800 common words composed of these characters. In the meantime, learners can know the basic knowledge of characters and acquire the proper writing methods. The textbook contains 15 lessons, attached with Key for Exercises.
《体验汉字》分为《入门篇》和《提高篇》两册。《体验汉字(入门篇)》遵循体验式学习理念,强调以学习者为中心,注重挖掘学习者的内在动机,注重学习者的自主学习,并为学习者提供充分发挥学习潜力的机会。本教材通过设置专门的板块,鼓励学习者直接接触和体验所学内容,让学生对笔画、汉字及词句进行实际地书写和运用,通过体验生成和习得汉字,在任务和练习中获取经验。同时,根据体验式学习理念,本教材还体现了汉字学习的循序渐进的学习过程,是由笔画到部件再到整字的习得过程。本教材在练习和内容的设计上强调复现和呼应,使学习过程成为学习者搜索已有的知识,探寻新知识的过程,最大限度地实现学习者的参与和自主探寻,使学习者在学习过程中体验感受汉字和运用汉字的乐趣。另外,《入门篇》在练习的设计中,根据体验式学习理念突出了学习者的互动性和合作性,并选取真实的语料,使学习者体验真实的语境。《入门篇》,适用于非汉字文化圈的汉语初学者。主要供30-45课时的教学使用。《提高篇》的任务是使学习者在《入门篇》的基础上,学习约500个汉字,以及由这些汉字构成的约1300个词语,其中要求掌握书写的词语(带★的词语)约为750个。同时,本教材还介绍了一些辅助汉字学习的“汉字知识”。 《提高篇》共有十五课,并附有练习参考答案。每课由“教学目标”、“学前活动”、“字词读写”、“综合练习”、“汉字知识”、“扩展提高”等六个模块组成。
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, Vol. 1: 256 pages, Vol. 2: 258 pages, 8.25"x5.5"