Intermediate Chinese Reading series is designed for Chinese learners at the intermediate level. This series is divided into two categories: Humanities and Technology. Humanities contains three volumes, each of which is grouped into different units based on contents. Humanities covers every aspect of the Chinese social life, which includes the Chinese customs, a snapshot of the history, social hot topics, life on campus, anecdotes, economics, constructions, and etc. This series facilitates the learners' mastery of reading comprehension through exposure to articles in various topics and in different forms. Through such intensive reading, the Chinese language learners can also get a very good sense of the Chinese society, its culture and technology. At the end of each chapter are multiple choice questions that help students develop an even better understanding of the material. Furthermore, this series can also be used for short-term or long-term learning as a tool to cultivate learning skills and reference material for HSK.
这是一套为中级汉语学习者编写的系列阅读教材,包括人文篇和科技篇两个系列,每系列按阅读难度循序渐进,各分三册,每册按文章内容类别分为若干单元。人文篇选文涵盖中国社会生活的各个方面,包括中华习俗、历史瞬间、社会热点、校园生活、凡人奇事、人生足迹、人间情话、百姓故事、科技人物、经济建设等方面等;科技篇为各类科普短文,包括天文地理、科技信息、生态环保、动植物趣闻、医疗保健、饮食健康等。本套教材旨在让学习者通过对不同类别、不同语体文章的阅读,掌握相应的阅读理解技能技巧。同时通过广泛的阅读,也能使学习者了解中国社会生活,受到一定的人文熏陶,并学习到一定的科学知识。另外,本套教材的选文范围和练习设计除了充分考虑到扩大学习者的阅读视野和提高阅读技能技巧外,也兼顾了汉语水平考试,在题材类型、题型设计思想上基本一致,因此也可作为复习备考材料,可有效提高学习者的汉语水平考试成绩。本套教材可作为各类长短期教学班的阅读课教材,也可作为汉语水平考试辅助材料,同时还可作为汉语学习者的一般课外读物。Please review the Table of Content of Humanities Level I, Level II and Level III.
By Liu Shiqin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 204-256 pages, 10.25"x7.25"