Easy Chinese Exercises - Chinese Language Review for Middle School and High School Students is designed for Chinese educators, teachers and students of the language. After learning 80 - 100 hours of Chinese, students from non-Chinese speaking families can use this workbook to ensure that they have mastered the basic Chinese words and key grammatical points that appear in most first year Chinese textbooks. For beginners with a basic knowledge of Chinese (i.e., Chinese radicals, characters, pronunciation, spelling, etc), this text can also be used as study material to improve Chinese language skills. In addition, Chinese teachers can use this workbook as supplemental teaching material or as a reference for creating teaching plans. Finally, this workbook can be used both to check students' Chinese level and also as a complex review for students to prepare for their Chinese tests.
By Sunny Zeng, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 38 pages, 10.25"x8.25"