Imagine Yunnan: Basic Chinese Language & Culture takes an introduction of unique ethnic customs in Yunnan as the main theme, demonstrating sumptuous Chinese culture. With well-designed frame, delicate contents and drills, the whole book expresses profound and not well known sides of Chinese culture through an unique cultural atmosphere, beautiful words and delicate design.
All the language samples provided are standard sentences which are genuine, close t life and easy to imitate. Texts reflect national spirit within Chinese culture, enhance the learner's ability to acquire and apply the language as well as experience unique charm of ethnic cultures.
本书是针对云南地区本书是针对云南地区来华留学生和对云南自然风光与民族文化感兴趣的外国人编写的基础汉语教材。全书以汉语教学为主线,以云南独特的自然风光、地域文化和日常生活为内容,可使学生在学习汉语的同时深入了解中国地域文化特色,在体验中国地域文化之美与生活情趣的同时,学到地道的汉语。 全书共18课,每课分学习目标、课前导学、对话课文、生词、语言点、常用句式、练习及文化拓展阅读等内容。其中,课前导学、课文、语言点解释、文化拓展阅读等部分均全文翻译。 本书适合具有一定汉语基础,初步掌握常用词语及汉语表达的学生使用。请参阅目录。
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 246 pages, 10.25"x7.4"