A stylish non-fiction picture book that conveys the magnificent diversity of life on this planet, from the award-winning team behind Tiny. From the award-winning team behind Tiny: The Invisible World of Microbes comes Lots, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the concept of biodiversity for younger readers. There are living things everywhere: the more we look, the more we find. There are creatures on the tops of the tallest jungle trees, at the bottom of the coldest oceans, even under the feathers of birds and in boiling volcanic pools. So how many different kinds are there? One, two, three ... lots! With beautiful words from Nicola Davies and exquisite illustrations by Emily Sutton, this groundbreaking book is certain to enchant and inspire children.
大自然裡的動植物多到數不清,每年還持續發現許多新的生物,像是迷你變色龍、斑馬章魚、藍眼斑袋貂…等等。 可是也有許多生物已經消失滅絕了,包括袋狼、旅鴿、越南爪哇犀牛、奇輝椋鳥……甚至還有一些可能在人類發現之前就絕種了!如果世界上的物種越來越少,人類還能生存嗎?一本讓孩子看見大自然奧秘的美麗圖畫書生態作家尼古拉和英倫知名插畫家艾蜜莉,將大自然的神奇與美麗,以流暢又動人的方式介紹給孩子。每個畫面都細膩有緻,其中穿插了許多小知識,讓讀者在豐富的圖畫間探索。一翻頁,滅絕動物的博物館畫面赫然出現眼前,那些如同標本般的動物,令人讚嘆卻又無限惋惜,不禁思考起人和其他生物間的關係。人類到底是和萬物互相依存,還是大自然的破壞者?當你聽到「我們只有一個地球」時,可曾想過這裡的「我們」,除了人類以外,還包括了其他兩百萬種不同的生物?
By Nicola Davies, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin, 34 pages, 11.6"x10"