Basher's highly original books make difficult concepts tangible, understandable and even lovable. With his stylish, contemporary characters he communicates science brilliantly.
Nature's building blocks have never been more sociable than in this newest offering from the creators of The Periodic Table and Physics. From cells to DNA, from viruses to mammals, from chlorophyll to flowers and fruit, and including the human body's parts and systems, Biology is a single volume BIO101 course. Distinctive characters, a creative pallette, and straight- forward text make it all clear―and fun!
Discover the secrets of chemistry, and learn about the properties of matter and the ways in which they interact, combine and change. Chemistry is a compelling guide to a community of characters who make up everything around us.
Imagine physics as a community full of wacky characters--the building blocks of the universe each with a unique personality. This book throws open the doors and welcomes you into their amazing world. From gravity to the theory of relativity, this unique book provides visual interpretations of complex concepts, designed to make learning physics easier and a whole lot more fun!
Do you confuse boron with barium or chlorine with fluorine? Fear not! Basher Science has come to the rescue by mixing science and art to create a unique periodic table. From unassuming oxygen to devious manganese, the incredible elements show you the periodic table as you've never seen it before.
Basher Science: The Periodic Table gives a face, voice and personality to the chemical elements, making learning chemistry easy and a whole lot more fun. This new expanded edition reflects the latest discoveries, and now each of the 115 elements has not just a picture but an information-packed page all to itself.
Book Titles:
人體學了沒 Human Body: A Book with Guts!
氣象學了沒 Climate Change: A Hot Topic!
微生物學了沒 Microbiology: It’s a Small World!
進階物理學了沒 Extreme Physics: Take a Quantum Leap to the Edge of Science!
元素週期表 The Complete Periodic Table: All the Elements with Style!
By Dan Green and Simon Basher, Paperback, Traditional Chinese Characters, 128-192 pages/book, 6.75"x6.75"