Children always have hundred thousand Whys when they face the mystery of world. According to the statistics, over 200 million children in China see Hundred Thousand Whys as an indispensable tool. This Hundred Thousand Whys is specially compiled for pre-school children. The series has 7 books. It features the topics that children are interested in and explains them in simple language. With elaborated illustrations, it is vivid and funny to read. In addition, the series includes Funny Corner which extends the topic to an interesting scenario.
The series includes over 500 topics which consist of human body, mammals, sea animals, birds and insects, nature and the earth, plant, and science. Meanwhile, the author explains the intricate scientific knowledge with easy, understandable language. Over 500 hand-made illustrations will not only cultivate children’s sense of beauty, but also help them understand the science.
孩子面对大千世界,总有无数个“为什么”,遥远的太空,茫茫的丛林,一切都是那么神秘。据统计,在中国有超过 2 亿的孩子把《十万个为什么》当作一本不可或缺的工具书。本套《幼儿十万个为什么》,是专为幼儿及学龄前儿童编写的。全套共七册,选取了小朋友感兴趣的问题,用浅显的语言进行解释,再配以精美的手绘图,生动、活泼而又趣味盎然。另外,本书还特意设计了“趣味角”,这既是对问题解释的延伸,又使枯燥的百科知识生动有趣。
本套书包括人体、哺乳动物、海洋动物、鸟与昆虫、自然与地球以及植物、科学等方面的内容,共约 500 个问题,分门别类地讲述了适合幼儿阅读的方方面面的科普知识。同时,本书作者独具匠心,将深奥的科学知识用浅显生动的语言加以解释,贴近幼儿的认知水平,使孩子乐读易懂。本套书插图 500 余幅,全部为彩铅手绘,张张精心,幅幅精美。孩子们在阅读的过程中,不仅可以培养艺术美感,激发绘画潜能,还可以帮助他们更好地理解科学知识。请点击这里参阅目录
Book Titles:
Crazy Science 疯狂的科学
Mammals 哺乳动物
Sea Animals 海洋动物
Birds and Insects 鸟类与昆虫
Beautiful Plants 美丽的植物
Magical Human Body 奇妙的人体
Nature and The Earth 自然与地球
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 68 pages/book, 9.8"x7.5"