How and Why series has many beautiful pictures drawn and is explained in very simple Chinese animals, geography, plants, the universe, etc. Today's children are not only satisfied to know all about the scientific principles of all things, but want to learn more than that. Great for 7-10 year olds who read on their own, or for children ages 4-7 with the help of their parents.
一套影响奥巴马、克林顿等几代人成长的经典科普作品;50多个国家儿童共同的选择;美国国家出版奖获奖图书;股神巴菲特唯一投资出版的百科全书,它就是《HOW & WHY》美国经典少儿百科知识全书!
今天的孩子们不仅满足于知道万物运行的科学原理,机械地为孩子们灌输知识的时代应该结束。本套丛书丰富的“试一试”“全知道”互动版块,鼓励孩子亲眼见证、亲手探索、亲身体验,让孩子不但知道“是什么”,而且还知道“为什么”,集知识性与趣味性于一体。相信《HOW & WHY》美国经典少儿百科知识全书将以极具吸引力的内容捕获孩子们的心,并激发孩子们探求科学知识的热情。
Book Titles:
World of Animals 神奇的动物世界
The World of Plants 奇妙的植物世界
Our Earth 地球密码
The Universe 宇宙探秘
How Things Work 它们怎么工作
How Does it Happen 那是怎么回事
Shapes and Numbers 有趣的形状和数
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters