For a long time, China was an ancient, mysterious country in the eyes of the world. Now, in this age of globalization, China is integrating and becoming more and more open. In the 70 years since 1949, China’s has developed and changed massively. More and more foreigners have stepped foot in China and personally experienced Chinese tradition and modernity. Almost 100 foreigners who have visited China present their experiences and opinions based on 70 keywords that reflect China’s development and changes in these 70 years, especially focusing on the past 10 years. Through their stories and opinions, even if you’ve never been or have just been, you may discover a China that is different.
1949年以来的70年,中国的发展变化是巨大的,越来越多的外国人也走进中国,亲身感受中国的传统与现代。围绕新中国70年,特别是改革开放40余年,尤其是近10年间反映中国发展变化的70个关键词,近百名曾到访过中国的外国人以微博的形式,或讲述亲身经历,或发表意见看法,讲述他们心目中的中国印象。人们在认识世界、了解世界的同时,也应该知道外国人是如何看待和评价中国的,应该知道中国有哪些方面在影响着世界。打开本书,读着一篇篇短小精悍的文章,以外国专家、职场人士或是来华留学生的视角观察中国,也许你会发现一个既熟悉又新鲜的中国。 “两会、中国梦、一带一路、国际维和”,这些已经成了中国政府的国际名片;“高铁、嫦娥、蛟龙、大飞机、天眼望远镜”,越来越多的中国制造和中国创造让世界惊叹;“移动支付、网上购物、5G、网约车、快递、外卖”,中国人的日常生活随着科技的发展而变得越来越便利;“武术、京剧、书法、中医、中餐”,传统的中国文化的生命力依旧旺盛,并且走向世界…… 阅读本书,能够让国民看到中国70年来的巨大变化,使他们为祖国的繁荣昌盛感到自豪,能够激发他们作为中国人的责任感和使命感。
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English or English, 170-172 pages/book, 7.7”x5”