The Professor Toto Language Education Series was developed by the renowned educator Francois Thibaut and uses his proven, child-tested Thibaut Technique, taught by the language Workshop for Children for more than 30 years. It's not only fun, it also really works! Professor Toto is the winner of: I-Parenting Media Award, Choice Silver Award, National Parenting Publications Award, Award, Family Choice Award, Creative Child Award. You can also get the complete Professor Toto Kit.
Part 1: Eric Goes to School contains:
- A DVD featuring Professor Toto's class. Laugh and learn as they discover vocabulary for animals, clothes, colors, food, counting, actions and more. Professor Toto's class will even watch a movie abut Eric and his day!
- A complete script in English and Chinese
- A Parent's Guide.
Part 2: Professor Toto's House contains:
- A DVD featuring Professor Toto's house. Laugh, learn and discover vocabulary for actions, places, things, directions, shapes, sports, musical instruments, time, the seasons and more!
- A complete script in English and Chinese
- A Parent's Guide.
1 DVD (Chinese and English, 60 Minutes), 1 Script Book, 1 Parent's Guide