Sam Gribley has been told that it is illegal to harbor an endangered bird, so when his beloved falcon, Frightful, comes home, he has to let her go. But Frightful doesn’t know how to live alone in the wild. She can’t feed herself, mate, brood chicks, or migrate. Frightful struggles to survive and learns to enjoy her new freedom. But she feels a bond with Sam that can never be broken, and more than anything else, she wants to return to him.
The sequel to My Side of the Mountain and On the Far Side of the Mountain.
当惊风两周大的时候,男孩山姆成了它的家人,并训练它成为一只猎鹰。一次意外的分离后,深爱惊风的山姆选择让它回归自然,与同类一起生活。起初,一向只听从山姆指令的惊风不能像其他野生猛禽一样独立捕猎,不能照顾幼雏,还错过了随季节迁徙的宝贵时机,但惊风顽强地与自然搏斗,在恶劣的环境中生存下来,还成了人们口耳相传的、德里大桥上的“英雄”。 但是,在惊风内心深处,它始终无法忘记山姆,它们之间那条隐形的纽带仿佛从未断开。它还是想回到他的身边……
By Jean Craighead George, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 289 pages, 7.75"x5.65"