The summer Hattie turns 12, her predictable small town life is turned on end when her uncle Adam returns home for the first time in over ten years. Hattie has never met him, never known about him. He's been institutionalized; his condition involves schizophrenia and autism.Hattie, a shy girl who prefers the company of adults, takes immediately to her excitable uncle, even when the rest of the family -- her parents and grandparents -- have trouble dealing with his intense way of seeing the world. And Adam, too, sees that Hattie is special, that her quiet, shy ways are not a disability,
海蒂欧文从没有想象过她生活的镇子外面的世界是什么样子的。她每日的生活便是围绕父母的公寓和和公寓内的古怪房客一起过着周而复始,循规蹈矩的生活。但其实,海蒂的家庭中其实隐藏着很多的秘密,而其中*的秘密是关于他那素未谋面的舅舅亚当。在十二岁之前,海蒂甚至都不知道他的存在。而当亚当有一天突然出现在海蒂面前的时候,海蒂自以为了解的世界瞬间分崩离析。显然,海蒂的家庭和邻居并没有准备好应对亚当的精神问题…… 海蒂夹在中间左右为难。在这个夏天,海蒂终将了解到这个镇子有多小,这个世界有多大,我们的心可以走多远。
By Ann M. Martin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 185 pages, 8.25"x5.75"