The year is 2174. The place is Zimbabwe, Africa. Three adventurous children escape their parents' heavily guarded mansion to explore the dangerous world outside. They soon learn how dangerous it really is. Tendai, the oldest boy, is their leader, although he worries about being brave enough. Rita, his sister, is an expert at starting fights. Kuda, his little brother, is willing to try anything. They are quickly enslaved in a plastic mine ruled by the terrifying She Elephant and her army of vlei people. Vlei people have been living in the dump so long they look like piles of trash. The children flee them to find new perils. They are pursued by the Ear, the Eye and the Arm, detectives hired by the children's parents, who always seem to arrive too late. The worst danger of all lies at the top of the Mile High MacIlwaine, a hotel so tall that it sways like a tree in the wind. For up there are not merely humans, but spirits whose aim is to devour the souls of Zimbabwe.
《耳朵眼睛和手臂(国际大奖儿童小说)》讲述:马兹卡将军是罪犯们的克星,执法刚强,树敌众多,担心孩子遭人绑架,因此天泰、丽塔和库达三兄妹有如温室花朵,从不知墙外的世界是什么样子。但是高墙挡不住孩子们想冒险的冲动,再美丽的花园也无法满足他们对外在世界的渴望。他们串通了好心的吟唱人,趁机逃出家门……在过度的保护下长大的孩子,经得起残酷的现实考验吗?科技文明与传统文化对立抗衡下的复杂社会价值观,对一心想证明自我实力的孩子,会产生什么样的影响?绍纳族祖灵到底存不存在?会不会保佑他们? 《耳朵眼睛和手臂(国际大奖儿童小说)》由南希·法默所著。
By Nancy Farmer, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 247 pages, 8.25"x5.9"