For the first time, the complete A Series of Unfortunate Events – including the highly feared #13: The End – is available in one awful package! We can't keep you from succumbing to this international bestselling phenomenon, but we can hide all thirteen books in a huge, elaborately illustrated, shrink–wrapped box, perfect for filling an empty shelf or deep hole. From The Bad Beginning to The End, this box set, adorned with Brett Helquist art from front to back, is the only choice for people who simply cannot get enough of a bad thing!Please see each book's description here
Book Titles:
1 The Bad Beginning: Or, Orphans! 悲慘的開始
2 The Reptile Room: Or, Murder! 可怕的爬蟲屋
3 The Wide Window: Or,Disappearance! 鬼魅的大窗子
4 The Miserable Mill 糟糕的工廠
5 The Austere Academy 嚴酷的學校
6 The Ersatz Elevator 破爛的電梯
7 The Vile Village 邪惡的村子
8 The Hostile Hospital 恐怖的醫院
9 The Carnivorous Carnival 吃人的樂園
10 The Slippery Slope 絕命的山崖
11 The Grim Grotto 陰森的洞穴
12 The Penultimate Peril 混亂的旅館
13 The End 大結局
By Lemony Snicket, Illustrated by Brett Helquist, Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters, 192-272 pages/book, 8.07"x5.90"