Having spent twenty-seven years behind the glass walls of his enclosure in a shopping mall, Ivan has grown accustomed to humans watching him. He hardly ever thinks about his life in the jungle. Instead, Ivan occupies himself with television, his friends Stella and Bob, and painting. But when he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from the wild, he is forced to see their home, and his art, through new eyes.
在大猩猩伊凡他二十七岁的生命当中,只记得巅峰商城这个地方。这里有他喜欢的焦糖苹果、奶油爆米花,和那些像泡泡瀑布般的汽水。他对人类的目光习以为常,对人类的语言也了如指掌。但是,象宝宝露比的加入,逐渐唤醒了伊凡模糊的丛林记忆。当大象好友史黛拉因表演过度而逝世,老板麦克对年幼的露比挥舞着驯兽棍时,伊凡突然看清了这个“家”:生锈的钢铁围栏、冰冷生硬的水泥墙、日以继夜的表演似乎永无止境…… 为了实践对史黛拉的承诺,伊凡试着突破金属围栏和厚重的玻璃,让露比前往一个值得被称为“家”的地方……伊凡该如何保护露比?可以自由奔跑的“家”,会是什么模样?本书根据一个真实的故事改编,荣获包括2013年纽伯瑞儿童文学金奖在内的多项童书大奖。
By Katherine Applegate, Illustrated by Patricia Castelao, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character or Hardcover for Tradiitional Chinese Characters, 276 pages, 7.85"x5.75"