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Dear Mr. Henshaw BSY090


When, in second grade, Leigh writes to an author to tell him how much he "licked" his book, he never suspects that he'll still be writing to him four years later. And he never imagines the kinds of things he'll be writing about: Dear Mr. Henshaw, I am sorry I was rude in my last letter... Maybe I was mad about other things, like Dad forgetting to send this month's support payment. Mom tried to phone him at the trailer park where, as Mom says, he hangs his hat.  It's not easy being the new kid in town, with recently divorced parents, no dog anymore, and a lunch that gets stolen every day (all the "good stuff" anyway). Writing letters, first to the real Mr. Henshaw, and then in a diary to a pretend Mr. Henshaw, may be just what he needs.

本书荣获1984年纽伯瑞儿童文学奖金奖。这是五年级男生雷伊给作家汉修先生写的信和他的日记。爸爸妈妈的离婚,小狗班弟的失踪,午餐被偷和安装警铃……读了雷伊的记述,你会和“亲爱的汉修先生”一样笑出声来!小学生雷伊因为着迷作家汉修先生的书,给作家写了一封信。正好老师布置的作业(读书报告)也是给作家写信。雷伊在信里给作家提了九个问题。奇妙的是作家竟然给雷伊回了信,也给雷伊提出了十个问题,比如你是谁?长什么样?家有什么人?住在哪里?种种。 这下变成了讨厌作文的雷伊的负担。因为家里的电视机坏了,雷伊无聊之余不情愿地给汉修先生写回信回答他的问题。慢慢地雷伊和汉修先生开始了写信交流,雷伊甚至接受汉修先生的建议开始写日记。 雷伊用有趣的小学生的笔调描写了家庭的琐事、小狗班弟、午餐盒报警铃、作文竞赛等等,读起来童趣十足。雷伊在小学二年级时读了一本课外读物,他很喜欢那本书的作者汉修先生,便写信同他联系。到了六年级,为了老师布置的作业,他跟汉修先生联系得更加密切了。在信中,雷伊说出了他父母离异的实情、自己转学后的不适应以及他内心的孤独。通过和汉修先生的书信往来,雷伊不但学会了应该如何面对生活,理解了父母无法共处的原因,体会到了父母对他的关爱,而且还练就了一手好文笔——一篇描写他和爸爸坐卡车出游的文章使他获得了小作家征文的荣誉入围奖,同时也更加坚定了他要成为名作家的决心。

By Beverly Cleary, Illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky, Paperback or Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Character, 8"x6.75" or Traditional Chinese Character with Zhuyin, 8.5"x6.15", 115-189 pages
Item: Dear Mr. Henshaw
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