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The Rainbow Fish BSW511


Rainbow Fish will enchant even the youngest child with his silver scales and heart of gold in this award-winning book about the beautiful fish who learned to share his most prized possession.
This board-book edition features the same eye-catching, holographic foil stamping as the popular original picture book, which tells the story of the vain, lonely Rainbow Fish who relinquishes his pride and gives away almost all of his special shiny scales to gain friends. Please click here for each title description.

自诞生至今,二十多年过去了,这条美丽的“彩虹鱼”游遍了世界各地,受到了无数幼儿和成人的喜爱。故事中的彩虹鱼拥有孩子般的性格特点,他活泼、勇敢、乐群, 同时也会犯各种各样小朋友容易犯的错误,但他在一次次的“试误”中学习、成长,逐渐学会分享、包容、沟通、互助和关爱,也锻炼了无所畏惧、勇于探索的精神。请点击查看分册介绍.

Book Titles:
The Rainbow Fish 我是彩虹鱼
Big Blue Whale 彩虹鱼和大鲸鱼
Rainbow Fish Finds His Way 彩虹鱼迷路了
Sea Monsters' Cave 我才不怕呢
Rainbow Fish to the Rescue 条纹鱼得救了
Go Sleep Rainbow Fish 快睡吧,彩虹鱼
Rainbow Fish Discovers the Deep Sea 深海大冒险
You Can't Win Them All, Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼捉迷藏

By Marcus Pfister, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters, 24 pages, 11.5"X8.5"
Item: The Rainbow Fish
Our Price:US$ 22.95
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