There are many kinds of quiet:
Quiet can be delicate.
Quiet can be thundering!
Quiet can be sweet,
and cozy,
and can most definitely help you fall asleep.
With kid-centric descriptions and irresistible artwork, this gentle picture book explores all the different quiets that can fill a child’s days from morning to night.
安静有好多种: 大清早第一个醒来的那种安静; 果冻掉在地上的那种安静; 躲起来想吓朋友一大跳的那种安静; 还有在墙上乱画被抓到,得马上想出一个好理由的那种安静!
这本温柔的图画书以细腻的动物造型,表现出好多种安静的面貌,比如给画涂 上颜色的安静、在学校孤孤单单等着被接回家的那种安静、坐在云霄飞上车冲到最高点时的那种安静……画面里的小熊、兔子、糜鹿、小刺猬在不同的情境中,出现安心、沉醉、惊愕、害怕、忏悔、期待、小心翼翼等各种不同的表情,生动又贴切得令人发笑。
By Deborah Underwood, Illustrated by Renata Liwska, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters, 32 pages, 7.6"x8.75"